security - detection - control

We have a wide portfolio of specialized solutions in the airport sector. Non-intrusive inspection systems for passengers, carry-on baggage, accompanied baggage, management and integration software, furniture, runway friction inspection systems, airport operations training solutions, among others.

Bag and package inspection must be effective, efficient and meet the strictest regulatory requirements. Rapiscan® Systems products fulfill with both requirements. Every day, millions of bags and packages around the world are inspected at airports, borders, post offices, events and other government buildings using Rapiscan® Systems baggage and package inspection systems. These systems are versatile to adapt to different detection scenarios and provide the best performance and functionality to assist in the identification of explosives and contraband.
The 920CT is smart. You can detect threats quickly and make decisions based on what you see. Its intuitive and easy-to-use touch screen, combined with its 360 degree image view, makes inspection easier and faster. It provides the highest resolution 3D image, enabling the highest degree of on-screen inspection and resolution (OSIR) for the operator, reducing the need to manually open and search bags for explosives and other contraband.

With increasing global threats and the introduction of new regulations, the 920CT brings you cutting-edge technology designed to meet the most stringent current and future regulations, all within a contemporary design. The 920CT uses cutting-edge dual energy technology and sophisticated algorithms to provide the highest level of automatic explosive detection and detection of densely protected areas that meet strict global standards. The software and detection algorithms have been designed to be easily updated in the future to meet new standards and requirements as they are developed.

The 920CT can be easily integrated with Rapiscan Systems' Security Checkpoint Tray Return System (TRS™). The harmonious combination of 920CT and TRS creates a seamless experience for airports by strengthening security, increasing passenger throughput and staff efficiency. Together with an optimal design, it provides the best experience for passengers, thus maintaining the checkpoint flow quickly and efficiently. It is a proven design for maximum passenger throughput with the fewest rejected passenger bags.

With our experienced customer service team, reaching every corner of the world, you can be sure your project will run smoothly from design to installation and beyond to ongoing support. The 920CT has a non-contact gantry that uses state-of-the-art bearing-free and inductive coupling technology. This offers frictionless and contactless operation, along with higher speeds, better reliability and less noise, resulting in reduced maintenance costs and increased operational availability.